Was looking forward to it! Wonder how will out freshies be and all. & when they came in. Woah~~ They had branded goods all over them! Girls have like LV bags, Gucci bags, Prada wallets and all! & i looked at what i was carrying, it was a 4dollar worth of bag that i got from Taiwan. Depressing~ O.O
Some of them were really fun and enthu! The others were just... in their own world. Too shy to open up yet i guess. Had fun with the other SLs though! Made new friends too!! :D & i can finally rmb every step for TP mass dance :PPP
& DAY2! We didnt have much time to teach the freshies the cheers. Sort of like to warm them up. & the seniors were super anti climax -.- Anonnying* We were really worried we won't win the Best School trophy for the 7th time! Business school has already been winning it 6times in a row for the past 6years! Of course we can't let our batch ruin everything right!
The freshies were not cooperating and it worries us :( However! Business won 1st in Regatta, olympiat! The cheer and stomp did well toooo!! :D Engine school was our enemy! & Applied Science joined in too. SO IRRITATING! Why must they be so competitive~
They even said mean things about us -.- Anyway, its over and we won the 7th TIME!!! (: In their face literally! Went for Jam&Hop after everything and it was funnnnnn! :D:D Had the Hewark people and Charaine, WZ, Eileen, 2 freshies- HongTing and Bobby, Van, kuien and shili etc~
Sweat like some dog like that! UBERRRR HOT!!! Hope to spend more time with Hewark soooon! :D Miss them!
Timetable is out and Charaine, Eileen, Wan Zhuang and I are split to 4 different classes distinctively :( New class will be a new challenge for me. Hopefully i can adapt and meet nice people there that actually is concern about their work :(
I've got Jap for CDS and at least I know i have Andy in the same tutorial class as me :) Finally someone who actually is serious about work ^^
&&&& I'm going Malaysia tmr! So sudden! But hell yeahhhhh! :D Can't reveal too much here