Actually everyday is like th same =X Hai *Im gonna look older day to day* Heres a photo during Physics lesson (: 2 DAREDEVILS?! Hahaha. Aw! Arent they in a cute pose?
Had maths remedial after 3.30pm. Knocking my knowledge outta my head. But i still dont get it =.= Geeesh. I suck at maths
After that went to slack and had dinner :D "I" totally embarrassed myself by spilling our bandung. Creating a messs. Hahahahhas. SUPER EMBARRRRASSSSING HORR :P?!
But i like th colour.
Went back pretty late (:
I just couldn't stop smiling th entire night ;P HEHS!
WEDNESDAYYYY! Which is todayyyyyy. I forgot to on my alarm again. Thanks to pig's text i managed to wake up. Still late though, but lucky theres dad to fetch me ;X cant late lerrrrr~ Nooooooooooooooooooo
Throughout th reading period carmen leemei and I were totally doing maths. Asking questions here and there. Gosh! So many things we still dontknow la. VERYVERYVERYVERY WORRIED for th afternoon's OMO =\
Continued re-doing all th questions i dontknow for recess, chinese and even lunch time. Gosh~ I got damn stressed during chinese. Thipy just keep asking me relax. LOLs.
Hahahs. During geog, while texting, going to keep already, That damn Mdm Norini or whatever de confiscated my phone -.- My lifeeeee
My alarm :[
& during lunchhh, my mind was all maths maths maths! The time came~ I sat in front like just facing the teachers. Stressed* :X When th test started my hands were shaking slightly ;x Got the O Level feel =.- So i did every question, leaving only like 2-3 blanks butbutbutbut! I seemed to have alot of mistakes.
FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK! Im gonna failed. Studied so hard for fuck shyt. Sorry for th vulgarities, i just needa rant here! Its one of those days that i feel like saying all vulgarities. I know i know, so improper for a girl. BUT OH WELL, JUST TODAY!
I feel so moody now. I feel so useless la! When can i ever get a good grade for maths =.= Went to find Mdm how after school but she was having a meeting till 5 so i left with JH.
Seeing one last time before going off was so _____
Fill in th blanks* Lols
Anyway, went to Starbucks to stone just now. Saw a store selling TakoYaki so bought it. CANT RESIST FOOOOD! ^^ Bought th usual coffeeee. MADE US ENERGETIC. CRACK JOKES AND RIDDLES. SUPER FUNNNAYE :D
Then, serious time came. Talked about guys and th maths paper. Changed my moood again T.T Went over to the place where we used to slack. Saw Kaoyee Royce Tris so played basketball with them for just awhile and left [:
Walked Bishan Park aloneee X.X So dark ;x I wished u were theree ;O
I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
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