I have test almost everyday! & Its like 2 in a day or so. Gosh, and i'm not performing very well for them too. IDK what got into me. FLUNKED ENGLISH LIKE abcdeffff! & E-maths, didn't flunk it but i really know i could have doen wayyy better. Even people that arent studying get better results. What am I then? -.-
Hmmm, extremely tiringgg day If i can recall. After a shagggy day of lessons, although i had 3 free periods of art, i still feel tired ;X Jiahua and I went around th school looking for that piggy chua to get my art file and bad luck befalled on us. Misschin caught us for our socks =.= Hahahahs. Quite ridiculous la, she told me to throw Jiahua's socks away then i kept them in my pocket while she wasn't looking. WAHAHA! Its really hilarious :P
A last minute training was planned to reharse for this coming Friday's promotion day. I screwed up even though -.- I had to leave early due to tuition as i went home and rushed out my homework, by the time ken came, YAWNS YAWNS YAWNS! I didnt have any energy for more revising nor school work lo. ZZZ! So *SNORES* till next morning.
Hmmmmmm, I wore specs. Nerdy for th day ;D I couldnt adapt to the degree. Ohoh, i quarrelled with that bicth MissLoh. Showed attitude and all. I HATE HERRRR! As much as MdmYick! Rawrrrr* shout shout shout, debated with her during recess time too. Ruined my appetite for th day _|_ LOl, &&& HAPPY BIRTHDAY STELLA!
Nothing much that day ;X PLayed basketball during lunch break. I need 1sec to reac6t that th ball is approaching me. LOL. I needa focus. hahahas. I cant see th ball coming towards me =O Went back with the accompany of Johnson (: Thanks! My bedsheet is totally the cause of my insomina! I cant stop th sneexing outbreak once i lie on my bed. ZZZ! & i really can't sleep. As if millions of things are revolving in my pathetic punie brain. Sheeesh! Geme a break problems! =/
My eyes still continue to itch due to sleepless nights. Sighs* I need time to absorb probability. HA! Got my chem paper back. UBER DISAPPOINTED IN MYSELF ;X I know i can do better. Geeeesh, I wanna prove that fucking bitch wrong. Had chinese compo test too. I didnt manage to complete it. ffffff~ :( I feel so hopeless. Got a feeling of jumping down a building or something and recover. I need to feel a pinch in my skin. Someone do it for me please x.x
Right after it. Dashed ot the toliet to get changed to our unform and plait our hair. I think its super troublesome to plait our hair la. Why can't we just pin. Z! Plait already more messy luh, all th hair flying our. Especially after wearing beret. WTH La, totally gotta retie into ponytail. Then waste time -.-
Had loads of lectures given by CIs. Hai, we deserve it? Promotion that time. I screwed up when it was my turn. I did EVERYTHING WRONG! I was daydreaming and i wasnt even sure what rank i was getting. When i fell back to squad, it pop-ed in my mind that. OHMYGOOODDDNESSSS! I just recevied the SI rank! WTH? Like how? With my conduct, attitude and all. I was in fact hoping carmen to get it. Cause she could hhhhhandle things better.
Anyway, now that I've got it, i hope i wont anger anyone. I'll do my best in my duties (: JIAYOU CHERYL ANG! :DD I was suppose to be jumping for joy when parade dismissed but instead i bursted into tears whe carmen congrat me :[ It definitely wasnt tears of joy :X Its liek, Im hoping to get th rank, but im not sure if i can do it. yes, its definietly lack of confidence and I don wanna let anyone down. I hate that.
Plus, my studies. Im really really really really-xzx worried that i cant balance everything and flunk my Os. Since apprantly i suck at my studies still. I know no one can help me in this. I think I'll have lesser time watching tv, playing com and all. It has been reduced already "x
Went KFC with Xuan kor and Saiful and Gfriend to celebrate? LOLs.
Hahas, Photos with girlfriend :DD
Woke up late. Went for POA remedial at 10am :D Butbut sadly Jiahua had dropped it so no one acc me go. I finally understand BANK RECON! wheeeeee. Whooooot :D Tmr is the test! Im aiming A1 ! Jiayouuuuu.
After it, went hub with dick wenkang n xinyi :D I still had some time before I meet up with CYX anyway. Xinyi and I went hunting for Steela's present. While dicky n wk went to meet yl or a haircut. By 1.30pm, trained down to j8 waited for CYX. ROARRRR! THAT STM DE! LATEEEE. Hahahahs! I was already late, he even later :O Hahahs.
Soooo while waiting, revised depreciation ;X damn its hard to understand.
Acc-ed him to repair is phone. Sheeeesh, i cant believe he actually went to service it for like more than 10 times. WOAH! A phone can really spoil so mnay times meh? LOls, then took a bus down to Downtime. & YOU KNOW WHAT! WE ACTUALLY SIT THE WRONG DIRECTION.
So th bus went to Bishan Interchange! WAHAHAHHAHAHA. I'd be laughing hard whenever i think of that stm pig's actions. Hahahaha! WTH~ So we waited again, for th same bus and its actually th same one we took before. LAWLS! Embarrassing o.O
Anyway, by th time we got to downtime, it was already 3 plus. And that was th time i was suppose to go home. Thought i could still play a game. Anyway its CYX's treat ^^ But no computer so that decided to go goodspeed x.x
On th way, I just alighted and went home :[ SIGHS* i wannna playyyy. zzz
oh btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN! Youre getting oldddd :D Last longggg with your new gf ^^ Sorry i cant make it to your bbq T.T Takecaree*
Mum shouted at me this morning. Say we were late for our lunch appointment. So damn tired la. Nan de I can sleep so soundly without disturb. And there goes her annoying voice ;x
Changed th bedsheet. I sleep bette rnow. Its definitely th bedsheet -.= Soooo i havent even makeup finished, she gave me stress by standing at my door giving me 'that' kind of face. So i just anyway and complete it in th car ;x Pro huh -.-
Didnt enjoy lunch. It taste horrible except for th shark fins :D Its pretty delicious [: Went Parkway Parade, mum went Giant and all. I WAS BORED STIFF! So walked around th shops to find a wallet. I needa change mine. Its getting so oldddd. Sheeesh~ & Hunting for my pink headset. Its pretty costly so i might drop th idea :X Guess is having a promo. 40bucks for a wallet. Babe say I shouldnt get it. Yup, i must learn to be thrifty now! ^^
Played basketball with th usual. Ahdun, Shorty siang, fat uncle kel, ChanHorng [idk how to spell] & CYX :D Its ultraaa funny todayy! Off form la today. I couldnt get a ball in today. BAH! :Z Yawns*
Im getting sleepy. Right, its a very very very long post today. I think im gonnnna..
ADIOS bloggers :D
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