Sunday, May 23, 2010

I know I'll see you again for sure

Its been another long week. & I've been looking for yesterday to come. Met up with my girlfriends for shopping and they accompanied me to do get my navel done :D Loving it to ttm! Actually it wasn't as pain as expected. Just a little prick for me. Maybe its because babe kept asking me to look at her which distracted me. Phew* Thanks babe! Now I just gotta hope it doesn't get infected or something and heal well! ^^

Spent the entire afternoon at fareast with the girls after lunch @ Shabu Shi! It seems that we can never get enough of that place. HAHAH! Girls will be girls :P Our form of relaxation = shopping, heart-to-heart talks and eating. Guys= drinking, gaming and slacking.
Sian! babe had to leave first & even got a scolding from her mum. ZZZ, should've tried on the clothes faster :/

Sky met up with us in the evening for dinner w us at Pastamania (: HAHAHA! Saw the shy side of him! Never knew he had that side of him. Planned to watch backup plan but it was only showing in the morning! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :( Tried IP man2 and Iron Man even though he had watched it but all seats are full :/ Head down to AMK instead. Same problem -.- So went to pool instead. WTH! I ACTUALLY BELIEVED HE DONT KNOW HOW TO POOL! Gosh~ Moron!!!! -.-

Didn't do much yesterday but it sure took away all my troubles (:
Ps: Buddy! Sorry for making you travel all the way back to Tampines. I'll go find you next time ^^

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