Yoyoyoyoyoyoyo! Was on time for school today (: Tell you guys a joke. CYX morning called me :D Okay thats normal, what isn't was the TIME he called. Hahahahhas! Every single time i think about this I find him super cute. Hahas. Lols ;P Right, so he usually calls me at 6.20 but that he called at 5.35am! & I actually thought I was running late. caused I thought I saw 6.35am on my phone but when I open my eyes bigger, ITS ONLY 5.35! AAHAHAH
You need more sleep boy ^^
Omg, I can ROFL now =PP
Sooooo, no assembly for that day. XUXU didn't come too! WHICH IS A VERLI VERLI GOOD THING. Cause i could do my other work PLUSPLUS SLEEP! :DD Did art during CL period and it turned out better than I thought, but i think the petals look weird. Hmmm,
Hmmm, suppose to have mock test for all sec4 and 5s but Jiahua and I need not attend. Cause we're helpers for the CNY concert thingy and we can do it tmr which is today (: The reharsal eded early so Babe acc me to J8 to check out the flats I was interested in but nah, come to think about it. Its a WANT not a NEED :D
Both of us we broke! really broke, she only had 60cents in her wallet and I had none :[ So we just went up the foodcourt and stare blankly at th food stores. Saliva drips*
IDK why I cried in PUBLIC of course secretly when I think about the past few days consistantly eating maggie, microwave stuff and even the fridge is empty =/ I can't LIVE W/O FOOOOD. But really ma, I havent eaten rice for a week ler. I think say also no one will believe la. My meals is recess, mian and evening maggie/microwave pie for lunch cum dinner. ZZZ!
So Babe suggested I cooked my own fried rice [: & YUP I DID. And it tasted fine even though I didn't have th basic ingredients. Just egg hotdogs and crabmeats. WOW! So after soooo long, i finally tasted rice. It seems like I never eat rice for dont know how many years luh. WTH right -.-
Yup so more studying at night :[
Late! I had no other choice but to cab to school :X ZZZ MY MONEY. Nb! I saved for how many recesses la. Hai, I needa bathe faster. I wished the water was warmer in the morning :x
Lessons seem so long todayyyyy. My brain cells are revolving now that I have to rest awhile. School ended at 3.30pm continued with my Mock test. OMg, it totally drained out my energy. I play basketball awhiel after that also gong gong de. When I played during lunch with Johnny YX Babe,kevan an dsome ex classmates, I keep injuring myself. The ball hitted me twice. KEVANNNN! GUILTYYYY ANOTTTTT~ LOL! Jkjk, wahahaha. Yup he accidentally injuried me but no biggie. Like they said. Im a ball magnet?
Weatherrr sooo hot!
Tuition continued at 7pm. SHAG! Damn tired. Paid full attention but my eyes felt like they were shutting. Okay, can't dota. No time to study afterwards. So gotta!
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